Objectives of the GCPM

The German College of Psychosomatic Medicine (DKPM) is the interdisciplinary scientific professional association for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy in Germany.

The German College of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (DKPM):

  • Is a scientific professional association
  • Works interscholasticly and interdisciplinarily
  • Promotes post-graduate training and advancement in all areas of psychosomatic medicine
  • Coordinates post-graduate training, research and practice of psychosomatic medicine in different medical areas
  • Engages in the development of quality assurance measures, as well as the development of medical treatment guidelines
  • Promotes scientific exchange bei e.g. hosting annual conferences 
  • Promotes international contacts in the area of psychosomatic medicine
  • Supports transfer of research results to clinical praxis
  • Is involved in public relations concerning psychosomatic medicine